
Bill Dodge
“Welcome aboard The Inland Nautical Society website.
We encourage you to navigate around. Our mission is to promote interest in safety, knowledge and the enjoyment of Radio Controlled Model Boating.
We hope you will join us at the lake in Fairmount Park, located in Riverside California on Sunday at or before 10 am.
Don’t forget about our monthly luncheon and our monthly meeting. Please refer to the Calendar page for dates, times and locations. See you there.”
Bill Dodge, Commodore .
I have to apologize for not posting earlier, however there was no changes (news) to update. For starters, we had the issue of Covid, then low water, then the oppressive heat wave, and most recently the City of Riverside posted a no entry order (do not enter the water, fish, eat the fish or allow dogs into the lake because of a bacterial threat).
The long awaited Fun Run is slated for Sunday November 17th at 9 am at Fairmount Park in Riverside. Unfortunately we have been subjected to Severe Heat warnings, Bacterial Warnings, Rain and Covid. The way is currently clear for the event. This is an opportunity to meet old friends, sell old treasures (or give away) and have an enjoyable day at the park. For those unfamiliar with the Fun Run concept, it is unlike a Regatta where there are courses, and organized events. This is simply “Run what you brung”. Bring your boat(s), and your lunch, your table and chair and come with a friend and their boat(s). Also, an advanced appreciation for your participation. See you there.
On another note, a few weeks ago, Steven Frank had a stroke, but is on the mend. We wish you a speedy recovery Steven.
One last thing. Today (Sunday 9-29-24) I received notification from Maritime Modelers member Frank Milowicki that his storage unit in Corona, was broken into. The thieves stole a Midwest Fantail Launch, 1/24 scale and named “Alligator Hunter”. They also stole a 52” model of the USS Olympia. Frank advises that the thieves also took guns, so if you encounter these people, use caution. Corona PD’s number is (951) 736-2330 if you have any information.